- Ride only on trails where bicycling is allowed. Avoid pedestrian-only trails. Respect private property.
- Leave no tracks. Respect existing trails and don't leave litter.
- Maintain control of your bike. Don't cut corners, moderate your speed, and ride cautiously on difficult sections.
- Always give way. Let other trail users know of your presence with a brief tap of the bell. Do not frighten hikers, but pass at a walking pace and stop if necessary.
- Do not disturb local wildlife. Animals are frightened by a sudden approach or by disturbing noises. This can escalate into danger for the animals, for you and for others.
- Plan your outings. Prepare the appropriate equipment and evaluate your skills in relation to the type of route you plan to take. Always wear a helmet. Make yourself self-sufficient for every eventuality, with equipment in perfect condition and an emergency kit " (whistle, life-sheet, front white and rear red lights, compass, mirror for signaling, Swiss multi-function knife, map of the route, emergency pharmacy, water, telephone) and a kit for any repairs to the bike (multi-function tool, inner tubes etc.).
MTB code of conduct
Tips and suggestions for mountain biking
The IMBA (International Mountain Bicycling Association) has drawn up a code of conduct.